
Do you know anything about the Russian Rev?

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Do you people know anything about the Russian Rev?I have a report do tomorrow about it all you need to answer is give me a famous person from the Russian rev Please help.5\6\08




  1. Its been a while since I studied this but I shall try my best

    There were two revolutions in 1917, (one in 1905? too I think but that didn't really count)

    The one in February 1917 got rid of the Tsar Nicholas, trying to establish a democracy....Kerensky freed the Bolshevik (communist) leaders hoping they would join the government but Lenin was having none of it

    In October, the Bolsheviks led by Lenin seized power (I seem to remember them just sneaking into government buildings in the night or something)

    Thats probably not that useful, but key names are - Lenin, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Tsar Nicholas, Red and White Armys

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