
Do you know anything about this church in chicago Illinois: Look Up and Live Full Gospel Ministries

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The Pastor is Gary Thomas. It is a new church that opened on mothers day. It is located: 661 W. 83rd street.

I believe it branched off from the church of God and Christ.

I want to go visit, but before I did I wanted to know has anyone ever been there or know anything about the ministry or pastor. (Is it a biblical based church)




  1. I know I am way late and I am not sure if you have gotten a chance to visit the ministry yet, but I wanted to reply to your post. I am originally from Chicago, but I currently live out of state. While I was living in Chicago, I regularly attended services at Look Up and Live. I can honestly say the Word of God is preached without compromise at Look Up and Live. Pastor Thomas does not just preach God's Word, he lives it. If I were still in Chicago, there is no other place I would be.

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