
Do you know how many home runs Hank Aaron would have had if he would have used steroids?

by  |  earlier

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my guess 357

The first year.. jk but prolly around 900 or more. how many do you think barry would have had without it.

my guess, 617.




  1. less.... he would of retired because his balls would be so small and he would have a lack of testosterome giving him the drive to play baseball

  2. 755 home runs.  Steroids will not help you see the ball properly while hitting or pitching because it wastes away your eyesight.  They also will limit your ability to throw the ball properly or hit it with a bat because it makes your muscle mass too big and tight.  Your muscle and bone structure will weaken which results in chronic fatigue and your psyche will suffer because paranoia and anger are symptoms of steroid abuse.  You will not be able to play the game of baseball, let alone show up at the ballpark to work if your emotions are not controlled.

  3. The same amount as he had without. I think you need to read more about steroids.

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