
Do you know how many houses you own or are you a senile, out of touch elitist?

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At a time when many Americans are losing their homes due to the economic failures of Bush and his Rubberstamp Republicans like Old Man McSame, the elitists who benefited from the tax breaks for millionaires can't even remember how many houses they own.

Do you know how many houses you own or are you senile and out of touch with America?




  1. his wife is a millionaire and he married into money so i would doubt that he would know. if my wife had the dough like miss mc mccain i would just be like him i would be on a need to know bases  and be glad to have her instead of worrying about how much we owen. most men don't tell there wives whats up with there owen money why should she tell

  2. Would you rather have a democrat who wants to raise taxes to pay for more social programs for the worthless lazy Americans who don't work and expect the middle class to pay for their $5000 rims while they draw welfare and live in public housing.

  3. If you live in America and don't own a house by the time you are thirty, then maybe you should go elsewhere and try again. I am not American,

    but our family own a few there. If you don't like it there move somewhere else.

  4. Be fair you guys!  Maybe he leaves these things up to his wife like where are the socks, hunny?  

  5. Last time I checked I still had only one home.

  6. Yes, I have one house that I am still paying a mortgage.  

    Yes, McCain is completely out of touch - doesn't know or want to reveal how many houses he owns; yet, he is supposed to understand the average Americian citizen?  

    And what does he consider rich? - someone who has more than 5 million dollars.  

  7. Yeah, that's a good one.

    Do you know how many states there are in the United States?

    Do you know William Ayres past?

    Do you know what your pastor and friend has been spewing for 20 years?

    Do you know how to speak without a teleprompter?

    Do you know what it takes to run a country?

    And to Janet....I believe $5 million dollars is rich. Do you think so? And he knew you libs would be bashing him for saying that right when he said it. That's how predictable libs are.

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