
Do you know how to act in a place of business or are you rude?

by  |  earlier

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If you are unaware, here are some pointers that will make your presence welcome. As for the self-important people, spending money doesn't give you the right to act like a jerk.

Don' on the phone loudly & use loud text tones.

Do...keep it down or go outside, no one wants to hear your business.

Don't...carry a spit cup.

Do...that somewhere else. Among other things, it's just disgusting.

Don't...grab the pen from my desk.

Do...ask first, I'm here to help.

Don't...leave doors open.

Do...make sure they close behind you, some require a little extra push.

Don't ..pick things up and put them back in a totally different place.

Do...put things back in the right place, I'm not your Mother.

Don't ...yawn or cough with your mouth open.

Do...cover it up if you have a free hand to do so.

Don't...come in sick if it can be avoided.

Do...stay home and stop spreading germs.

There, I feel better now. Please feel free to add anything I've omitted or just leave a comment. Thanks.




  1. I had a lady to pull money from her bra and hand it to me for her transaction and it was wet from sweat!!  EWWW!  

  2. But this isn't a question! Good advice :)

  3. When you walk into my area and you see that I am on the telephone and acknowledge your presence with a smile and a nod, do not assume that it's a personal call and start talking to me as if I should ignore the person on the telephone and DO NOT ring the bell multiple times, just because you don't see anyone.  Once is sufficient.  Thank you.

  4. polite and courteous to others.

    Don't...assume the worst in people.

  5. Amen Sister!  

  6. A spit cup? I haven't seen that since I was stationed in the funny.

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