
Do you know how to be free?

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we say we want freedom.if you have it,do you know how to live on your own with out t.v,radio,computers,even running water,do you know how to put heat in your house by your you know how too hunt for food to eat etc.




  1. Sure i was taught by Bigfoot how to hunt.

  2. I have the freedom to watch TV, shop at Piggly Wiggly, and to pay the electric company for heat in my house.

  3. Yes,I do but I see no reason why that would be any better,you will still have some trash,you will still have problems of recycle(What to do with the animal hides) or the innards we don't eat,you will still have problems of clean,safe drinking water,you will just be doing all the hard work all day by yourself.I should know.That may sound self sufficient but in today's world its really not for the masses,so it is not a viable solution.

  4. I hiked a portion of the Appalachian Trail last summer, and believe me: I know how to live without a steady supply of food, water, comfortable shelter, t.v., radio, the internet, and cell phone reception.

    And it was the best experience of my life.


  5. Yes, I know how to do all of these things, but I choose not too.

  6. No I don't know how to be free, because I was born in an island which is occupied by Turkey. I cannot travel anywhere I want in my own country and I cannot visit the places where my parents and grandparents were born. No one in the world cares about my freedom however...

    Freedom for Cyprus..!

  7. Hi there, I am free but my levels of freedom are not determined by external factors such as the TV or the radio.

    I embrace technology to an extend, as it has given us more freedom of choice, entertainment and communication. For example I am free to talk to my family in Greece while I am in the UK.

    Yes I do also know how to hunt for food but that would describe my survival abilities and motives, not my freedom levels.

    My freedom derives from deep within my heart, mind and soul not from the outlined surfaced reality of technology nor from my survival motives and abilities.

  8. About 100 years ago the Irish feed 10-12 people for a year with about 1/4 acre of potatoes.  The only thing is that you have to really like potatoes.  There is 30 acres on my north property line and 2,000 to the east of state land.  There is enough dead wood on the ground to heat my house forever.  The Amish can do it, so can I.  No AC power or fossil fuels.

  9. To be self reliant is incredibly difficult in this day and age with property rights, laws governing hunting, trapping, fishing, etc.  Also, cultural knowledge gained is different to our days as hunter/gatherers, or even agriculturists.  We are a collective, a society built on the division of labour.   To be independent means having the money and time to buy land, learn traditional techniques that enable you to be without the aid of others.  But who will make your tools, feed the pigs, fetch water from the stream, make the clothes for your children?

    True freedom, for me at least, is throwing off the shackles of conditioning.  Remove the lies that society has taught us.  Should we be ashamed of our bodies?  Should we believe that men with swan wings carry us up to Heaven when we die?  There is nothing wrong in mythology as long as we see our myths as tales, not as being real.  

    Knowledge can help open the doors to freedom.  And freedom is correct thinking.  However, being free is to take a journey full of realizations that deconstruct, often painfully, one’s conditioning.

    You must open your eye to see the world as it is.  Escape self delusion.  Become what you are.

  10. If I knew how to be free I might choose to be a bit less free, more responsible.

  11. You've seen Fight Club too many times.

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