
Do you know how to contact your local and state government officials?

by  |  earlier

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I urge everyone to contact their government officials to have their voices heard.

With so many internal issues going on in the United States right now, the citizens must take a stand.

Please use this link, enter your zip code, and use the links to email all of your elected politicians. One person cannot do it, collectively we can. Be a part of the change and contact them now.

Remember, "United we Stand"




  1. don't spam the makes you look terrible and unofficial. First and foremost, this spam is making the people further from the government!

  2. take a stand.

    all right.

    Sorry. There are too many issues. The government may well show some interest in ONE out of a hundred. That's not enough for me.

    I'll make my own changes in the future when I become president.

  3. It is all of us who need to take action!  WE need to make sure our voices are heard.It is too easy for the representatives to live in their world that is far removed from our daily lives of pay the bills work, pay the bills, work .....

    We need to let them know that although we are working our fingers to the bone to make ends meet.  We know what they are up to and we do not like it!  We want our jobs back and we want them to make it less cost effective to send jobs out of this country, than to keep them in the USA.

    It is "We the People"  and we need to remember that rights once lost are rarely regained.

    Tell them to stop forcing Democracy on other nations who do not want it and return our country to a Democratic nation!  We want our Constitution and Bill of Rights back!  If they do not do it, we will find someone who will!

  4. oh my gosh thank you so much i was wanting a link like this for some time.Once again thank you.

  5. Every sunday the people who represent me is listed in my sunday paper from city, county, state, and country.  Thanks for the info for those who might not know.

  6. Yes I do.  I have talked to my state senator, my County Commissioner, my Secretary of State, and a couple of people in the bureauacracy in the past week.  I have discussed election laws, local ordinaces, pending legislation, etc.  I have also been in contact with my primary lobbyist.  Your suggestion is good but what is the issue.  I feel we need to be active on the FairTax bill, the reathorization of the Clean Water act, border security, etc.  It would also help if we could get a democratic congress to take action instead of wasting time debating things they can do nothing about.  Like it or not Bush was withing his authority firing the Federal District Attorneys and that action by congress is a waste of time and money.  I can see nothing that they have accomplished since taking control, but to weaken the US position.  What is your issue?  your question does not define a subject.

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