
Do you know how to escape from this world?

by Guest61070  |  earlier

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I'm not sure if it's possible for me to put into words how I feel everyday...I find myself wishing-more willing a fantasy world to exist to which I could escape for eternity. I don't mean in the way that I want to escape from the everyday annoyances like work, family, etc and I am definitely not suicidal. I just feel so alien. Everywhere I go I feel like I don't belong and don't fit in, yet I hate being alone for long periods of time.

I try to escape by reading books, playing video games, and daydreaming in general but they are all temporary highs for a seemingly unsolvable problem. I don't even know what my problem is I just know I want to get away from it. Nothing in this world can make me happy, not money, possessions, anything...As strange as it may sound I think the only way I could ever be happy in this world is if I was an animal. Without the capabilities of reason and wordly things to to tear me down. Animals live to survive and are freer than any of us think we ever could be.

Does anyone else ever feel this way? Like you want to escape or be someone or somewhere else and you just can't achieve it or even get anyone to understand how you feel no matter what you do? If so how do you cope with it?




  1. I'm the same as you. A lot of times I feel as though I just wasn't meant to be in this world, I have no clue why. Friends say nothing is wrong with me, and yet I feel so 'out-of-sync' with everyone else.

    I spend my time reading, listening to music, being on the internet, going for walks, watching movies, and hiking.

  2. your a pisces to aint you?

    ps...i agree with itzian

    i've had the same problem mentally always wanting to escape this place till i realized theres no escape

    im in gods favor now and i can cope with my surroundings and i dont find myself fantasizing about other more beautiful worlds

    except for the one in heaven

  3. You need one thing in life: Jesus.

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