
Do you know how to get over stage-fright or shyness?

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I'm shy and when I have to present something or when I get in front of a lot of people. Do you know how to get over it?




  1. I was the same way and found the only way to get over it is just to get up there and do it.

    the first few times I was on stage, I was so nervous I almost puked and my legs were shaking, but then realized that I was being paid to be there, THEY asked ME to be there, not the other way around, and that people were there to see me.

    also, you have to get it clear in your mind that you know what you're doing, know what you're talking about and there is a reason you are there.....and you have to convince yourself, either through confidence and semi-arrogance (later on) and try not to look at anyone directly and lie to yourself and tell yourself they all are there to see you because you are the best at what you do (early on) long as you don't make eye contact with anyone you usually do better....once you make eye conntact with that first person then it all comes down to a personal level and that makes it much more difficult.

    stay detached and view the crowd, not the individual people and it makes it easier to speak to the group as opposed to whoever you might songle out by eye contact.

    the converse of that works as well  if there is someone in the audience that you know and are comfortable with...then, you look in their direction and talk as if you were speaking to them, the one you know and know you CAN talk to....

    so you see, there are a few ways around this jut have to play around with it and see which one works best for you....and sometimes different ones work in different situations and over time you learn which works best....

    even now, when i'm not onstage, i'm shy and introverted and being onstage is the only time i'm really confident in what i'm doing...funny how that works out lol....

  2. Believe you have something important to say and pass on. It is not your problem if they do not take it to heart or listen. You are there to just present the facts that you have.  

  3. You have to do it slowly.  Start with making your presentation in front of a mirror, and get comfortable with your materials (the better you know it, the easier it will be for your brain to take over your nervousness & get the content out) and your rate of speed when talking.  Then try it out with some close family/friends.  Or make a private video of yourself doing the speech and share it with some friends online for them to critique.  Once you get some positive feedback, you will feel more comfortable about doing the speech in front of more and more people.  

    Also, try to channel the energy of your nervousness into having a stronger voice.  A strong voice gives the impression of a confident speaker, and the more likely your audience will really get into it.

  4. I was sicker than a dog and put on a performance,  I just didn't care.

    Haven't given a rat's Hiney since.  My performances have really improved since then becoming more enjoyable for myself and my audiences.  Similar thing happened to Steve Martin, only he went crazy for a year.  

    Jackie Gleason was having trouble until he showed up drunk and just went goofy on stage.  The Manager told him the next day to do what he did the last time.  Only sober.  Just pretend you're talking to a friend.

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