
Do you know how to have a straight spine.?

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Hello, I'm a 18 years old boy, I have a lordosis (for almost 7 years). So my spine has an accuented curve in the lower back and my shoulder blades are out. I tried a lot of exercices for almost 6 month and I don't see any difference. My back looks a little like theses images:

Do you know if there is a surgery that can straighten my spine or some really good exercices that can help me ??




  1. I'm not surprised that exercise hasn't treated your lordosis.  Exercise won't change how your bones have grown.

    You haven't mentioned if you're seeing a spine specialist now.  Also missing is how many degrees your curve measures.

    Surgery can correct your spine but you'd have to have a curve bad enough that a spine specialist would recommend it.  If you're not seeing a spine specialist, do so.  You'll get treatment recommendations that are better than anything we could provide you.

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