
Do you know how to make silly putty or eraser putty?

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please tell me how to make it




  1. Guest55848

     get eraser then erase on paper .  then take eraser shavings p**p on it then ,

    tell your parents to buy some. DUH



  2. Get a piece of paper and a good eraser. Erase on the paper. The amount of eraser putty depends on the eraser shavings. Roll the eraser shavings together. Ta-da! Done. =D

  3. A really simple easy way to make putty is to get some eraser bits and then mash them together and TADA putty, if you do it this way you have to mash a lot because if you don't it will be all hard and crummy, but if you're the type of person who doesn't have borax and stuff you can do it this  way. My advice is the softer/ bendier the eraser is the better eraser putty you'll have. Good luck with your eraser putty!

  4. I'm this is how you can make it.

    Get a grater and find an easy to grate eraser.

    Grate the eraser as much as you like. I prefer a lot so you can make a bigger eraser putty thing.

    Push it into a pile and add some clear liquid glue. Add a little bit at a time so you don't put too much.

    Mix and press with popsicl stick until looks like clay and looks smooth.

    Mold it, erase with it, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

  5. take one eraser and take one drop of water mix them.,

  6. Get A BIG AMOUNT of eraser shavings
    (only works for some erasers)
    smush them together
    roll them in your hand
    do this for a long time
    (does not strech unless you put REAL eraser putty in there, a small bit)

  7. eraser putty w/ glue!! easy right!?!

  8. use eraser shavings and put glue on it just a little and if you smush it alot you got eraser putty

  9. erase with an eraser
    get lots of eraser bits
    put in oven

    I do not know for how long or how many degrees to make it. : - (
    I think it is 200 degress or something... BUT DO NOT TRUST ME I MAY BE WRONG

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