
Do you know how to prepare for a hurricane? Or did you just look it up?

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Did you really know how to prepare for landfall of a hurricane? What precautions should be taken and item should you have on hand?




  1. When a hurricane watch is issued, stock up on enough drinking water to last for at least a week. (About a gallon a day per person).

    Be sure to have freezers and refrigerators at the coldest possible setting and keep closed unless absolutely necessary.

    Fuel up your vehicle

    Make sure to have flashlights and batteries ready.

    Stock up on enough canned or ready to eat foods.

    If you are on medication, stock up now.

    If you have a generator, make sure it works. (Check oil, fuel, ect.)

    Be sure all cell phones you may have are charged or have extra batteries.

    Make preparations for your pets. (Food, water, shelter, ect.)

    Have all first aid kits and fire extinguishers in operable condition.

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