
Do you know how to pronounce this surname?

by  |  earlier

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At first glance, how would you pronounce it? I might be using it for the main character in my book's last name, but I want to make sure people know how to say it. Thank you!




  1. i would pronounce it like:


  2. Yes, it's pronounced RINE-heart.  I had a friend with that name, and there's also a school called Reinhart in my town, and they were both pronounced that way.

  3. Reinhart:  say Rhine like the Rhine River and Hart just like it sounds.  

    in German when "ei" appears in a word you pronounce  the "i".  When "ie" appears you pronounce the "e".

    it's the one rule that always makes me slow down and make double sure I am pronouncing "shiessen" (and its variants) which means to shoot, correctly.  Reversing the "ie" to "ei" and I have a bad word--and can be embarassed in a business situation.

  4. Rine-Hart

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