
Do you know how to swich two of you own chess pieces with each other and is not a pawn

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Do you know how to swich two of you own chess pieces with each other and is not a pawn




  1. Castling is a special move using one rook and the king.

    Castling is the only time in chess in which you can move two pieces at once.

    There are two varieties of castling: kingside and queenside.

    Remember, in both (kingside and queenside castling):  

    the King always moves two squares toward the rook with which it is castling,

    and then the Rook (switches) moves to the other side of the King.

    TIP: Top players castle early in nearly every game.

    It makes the king safer, and also gets the powerful rook out of the corner.

    You can only castle, if all of the following are true

    #1- Your king has not moved yet

    #2- The rook you want to castle with has not moved yet

    #3- There are no pieces between the rook and the king

    #4- You are not being checked. (You can't castle out of check!)

    #5- The process of castling will not put or land the king in check.

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