
Do you know if it is safe to go to Bosnia?

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how safe is Bosnia? What is there to do there?




  1. Get blown up.

  2. its very safe

    why wouldnt it be?

    i am from serbia and proud

    and my friend is bosnian and she is there

    at the moment

    you can go there

    ( :

  3. Yes, it's safe and definitely lovely. So if you have a chance, don't doubt, pack your bags and enjoy the ride.. lovely people btw

  4. yes.

    i love it there(:

    if your  thinking of going to the beaches for vaca,ill be honest. its safe. but its crowded.and in certain parts there are poor ppl. but not too many.

    and it is really safe.


    i love it. its beautiful and im sure anyone could love it if they went :D

  5. Go to for travel advisories..

  6. Bosnia is very safe to visit (same for most of the Balkan countries by the way).  If you visit an official government website you can see this officially e.g.

    There are the standard warnings which many countries contain nowadays concerning terroisim but don't let that put you off (read more countries as well as you will see what i mean).  Here it even says that more and more Brits are visiting Bosnia each year, and that the biggest problem is pickpockets (like every other European major city) and lost passports being the most common reason for visiting the consulate there

    My husband is Bosnian and we go there 1/2 times every year.  The only thing you have to take note is to stick to the roads in rural areas as there are still areas where there are undiscovered landmines, but you will also see signs (or at least wooden posts with flags).  The areas where this is the case are getting smaller and smaller but it is still a risk

    Bosnia is receiving more and more tourists each year and if you visit e.g. Sarajevo & Mostar, the burgeoning tourist market is really taking off and cities such as this offer good accomodations and facilities etc.  If you go outside into other areas you may struggle to find English speakers though, so it is worth reading up before you go.  Don't expect theme parks, McDonalds etc, because this is not the case (something which I actually find a big plus personally!)  If you venture out of the capital you will see that there is still work to be done (some roads are not great, houses in a state of ongoing repair etc), but this is just a matter of time and money.  Considering the effects and the timeline of the war, Bosnia is "recovering" (for the want of a better word), remarkebly well, and regaining it's former beauty.  Yugoslavia, collectively, was a very popular place to visit for tourists in the 80's.

    Reading back it seems a little negative what I have put and I really want to assure you that this is absolutely not the case.  I love the country.  We have a house on the mountains and to me it is a little peace of heaven. The more I visit Bosnia, the more I want to see.  

    So like I said, read a little bit - Rough Guide, Lonely Planet etc, you can look at photos etc (e.g. this site shows the real beauty of some of the places in Bosnia and get an idea of what to expect

    In short, the food is gorgeous.... really great.  People are warm and very accomodating.  (I am treated like a little princess by my husband's family!) The weather of course is also perfect in both winter (skiing and resorts are starting to take off again) and summer, scenery (on the whole) is very beautiful, and I am sure that you will not regret visiting, if you so choose to do so.

  7. Yes, but just try not to ignore the locals but also watch them to make sure they dont do anything weird.

    Remember ignorance and arrogance is bad foreign policy.

  8. im sure youll be fine. there is nothing to worry about. problems in that country do not involve you so there is no reason to be scared!!

  9. Yeah its safe... and there is always something new.

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