
Do you know if michael phelps is conceited?

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Do you know if michael phelps is conceited?




  1. I actually had never heard of him before this Olympics. From what I've seen on TV and read about him, he seems like an all American nice guy.

    That is just the impression I get. I hope that all the attn that he is going to get from the media won't corrupt him.

    Have a great week!

  2. My brother met him in Baltimore and Phelps was really nice. My brother is in the Air Force and they were at a fast food restaurant (I don't know which one) and Phelps walked in. They introduced themselves and told him how they couldn't wait to see him in the Olympics and he actually sat and talked with them for an hour. So to me that is not conceited at all.

  3. Doubt it. He seems like an all-around nice guy.

  4. probably

    lol but idont know but he is getting annoying seeing him every ewhere

  5. No not at all. He was teased as a child. He always worn a hat and he had it thrown around. And he was picked on. Since is he is famous, I bet a lot of those kids that tortured him, wish they were his friends.  

  6. NO WAY

    Totally humble and respectful

    He was picked on as a kid, had his hat thrown out a bus window... those people that teased him for everything including big ears have attempted to contact him on Face Book... and they have approached him at swimm meets, other past swimmers that trash talked him... He rises above them with actions

  7. I don't know him, but judging from the little bit I've seen of him on TV he doesn't appear to be.

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