
Do you know if "A Child Called It" was in any newspaper or periodical about why the book was banned?

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Do you know if "A Child Called It" was in any newspaper or periodical about why the book was banned?




  1. not one hundered percent sure that this is the reason but i assume that it is because of the psychological horror and the physical abuse that is experienced by the child.

  2. I didn't know its band!  I have read it and all the sequels, got them from the library.

  3. i didn't know the book was banned. its a good story.

  4. Read it and no it was not banned!! You may also email  or write Dave Pelzer..I did and recieved a letter from him. His brother Richard alos has a book about after Dave was removed out of his hellish home, the abuse continued with Richard and others.

  5. It hasn't been banned - they may have banned it from a school or something, but you can buy it just about anywhere.  It's an excellent book - as are the follow up books to it.  Certainly an amazing story of survival.

  6. It wasn't banned, they even sell it at Wal-mart!

  7. the book has only been banned in certain state's school districts.

    so, it depends on where you live. I would look in local papers for the specific districts where schools are not allowed to use the book for class.

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