
Do you know if the AIDS epidemic was ever prophecied in the past?

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Do you know if the AIDS epidemic was ever prophecied in the past?




  1. No, it never was. It is just one of many huge and somewhat unpredictable events that went unpredicted by psychics.

  2. There are all manner of plagues prophesied for the End Times. I am not aware of a specific plague for AIDS. It is hard to tell, because they talk about a plague that is so horrific that people are afraid to bury the dead. It is probably something worse to come or nuclear fallout.

    Nothing specific about AIDS that I can recall at the moment.

    I edited to add that AIDS WOULD NOT BE the worst plague in prophetic literature, we have a lot to look forward to...

  3. No it was not.  But I will make a prophecy.  There will be new diseases in the future.  That is not what God told me, but as a biologist, I can tell you as long as there are organisms (and people are organisms) living in crowed conditions with poor hygiene and diet, disease will occur.  Frequently there is a jump from one species to another.  In China, people live in close proximity to the animals they raise, namely ducks and pigs.  Every winter when people get the flu, so do their animals.  The pigs have reshuffle the genetic material of duck viruses and human viruses.  That is why treating a flu epidemic is so difficult.  Something similar happened in Africa with aids.  A hunter butchered a monkey and cut himself doing it.  The animal was sick, and he contracted the disease.  He was the first to come down with Human Aids, but that species of monkey had had it for a long time.  It was similar to feline leukemia that tends to go through cat populations.  Here is one for you.  Polio is seldom seen in the US although common in 3rd world countries.  It is a relatively new disease first being described in the early 1800's

  4. There's a bunch of religious folk claiming the AIDS epidemic was prophesied . There's also some people prophesying an even worse epidemic to come.

    Good thing those guys are wrong a lot!

  5. I don't know,but I'm making a prophecy right now.In the future there will be epidemics and pandemics.These will make AIDS look like the common cold.While I'm at it,there will be natural disasters over the years on an epic scale.Remember where you heard it first.I am sure to be proved correct.

  6. Psychics have always failed in predicting ANY natural event, unless they wait until after it happens and then re-interpret one of their past vague predictions.

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