
Do you know if the incentives are helping car makers sell their truck and SUV inventory?

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I am hoping not. I would like to buy a truck or SUV at the end of the year, and I want the dealerships to be as desperate as possible.

It is difficult to get sales figures on trucks and SUVs.




  1. You should see Chrysler and Dodge: If you think 3K off is a lot, think again. They have 4K off of the Durango and Aspen plus 2K cash back, which saves you 6 thousand dollars.

    If you really want to be lucky, get a Dodge Ram: 6K Customer Cash Allowance plus 4K bonus cash allowance gives you 10 Thousand dollars back. If that's not desperate, I don't know what is.

  2. You should still see good discounts toward the end of the year, however keep in mind that all of the automakers are slowing down or stopping truck/SUV production altogether.

    And, trust me, dealerships are very desperate right now. I saw a local one offering $12,000 off of Dodge Rams.  

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