
Do you know my country-Việt Nam ?

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Vietnam Tourist Information.

Welcome to Vietnam!

Dear visitor, welcome to my Vietnam web pages. Here you will find almost all the information you need to prepare a visit to this unique country in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam is a country any serious traveler should visit at least once in his/her life. The country has a vast offer of places to visit. From picturesque mountainous regions (in the North) to awesome beaches (West and South). From noisy and overcrowded metropolis (Saigon and Hanoi) to relaxed towns (Hoi An). World Heritage sites, historical places, religious monuments, local markets, its people,.. Should I go on?

If you look at the map on the right, you will see what the country looks like. There are two ways to visit Vietnam: starting in Hanoi, and going South; or starting in Saigon, and going north. The minimum stay I would recommend to visit Vietnam is six weeks. In case you do not have so many days, you will have to split your visit in two (or you will have to skip some of its destinations).

Traveling around Vietnam is very easy. All you need is a travel book and some money. Prices in Vietnam are quite lower than in the "western" world (let's say everything is between 1/4 and 1/2 of its price in Europe, America and Australia). You can get pretty good hotels for really low prices. Moving around Vietnam can be done on bus, train and/or plane. For long distances I recommend plane, train is also an option. Bus should only be considered in short journeys.

Bellow these lines you will find a short description of Vietnam's main tourist attractions.

I hope you enjoy my virtual presentations of Vietnam's main tourist attractions. Enjoy




  1. **** you off . stop talking rubbish.where is your page?

  2. Um - this is in violation of Y!Answer's terms of service - it's advertising.  And yes, I do seem to recall your country - quite few of my fellow countrymen left their blood in its soil.  It took years after leaving to realize what a beautiful place it really is and to stop hating everything Vietnamese.  Go in peace - but I do not think I will be revisiting your country.  I do not wish to awaken my ghosts...

  3. i am sure it is beautiful. I think anyone with an open mind is ready to go anywhere in the world, it is incredible how many things you can see.

    Congrats, and I hope I can go some day

  4. I lived in Ha Noi, so thanks for the info, but it wasn't needed.

  5. waste of time............

  6. of course i know vietnam


    i`m vietnamese =]

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