
Do you know of a preschool book that teaches respect?

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We have a virtue of the month - in my Sunday school class. Next month - for 4 weeks - we will teach - RESPECT.

I have three books that are filled with examples of respect:

Respect and Take Care of Things - Meiners

Respect - Fiday and Crowdy

I am Respectful - Schuette

I would like a picture book (or books) that tells a STORY about a child (or animal - or whatever) - learning to show respect. A book that includes a lesson about respect.

My kids are preschool and kinder age.

Are there any you can recommend?




  1. Yeah you should tell them to respect everybody even if they don't like them. Kids now always disrespect their parents and stuff also, tell them not to say things like shut up or stupid or sucks.

  2. Here is a website you can look at (warning though- when it downloads there is an animal roaring, I think it is supposed to be a giraffe...the character in the book). The book is downloadable with lesson plans. I don't know if it is any good.

  3. Hello -  This is needed more and more today with the new generation.  I found going through Scholastic, they offer many books on this subject.  The prices are great and they teach children just about anything you are looking for.  

    Rosanne :-)

  4. try sesame street books

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