
Do you know of a way to permanently get rid of........?

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fleas?????? We are infested...!!!! Help..! Please..! T Y..

we've already tried sevan powder, spray & some other c**p that isn't working and I'm getting very grumpy over this..............!




  1. I had this problem and I washed EVERYTHING...pillow cases, fabric on the couch, blankets..etc. then I washed the carpet and vacuumed. Good luck

  2. It is flea season! You have to bomb your house, flea bath your pets and give them flea meds, like the drops from a vet that you put on the back of neck. They have pills now too. Don't even bother with anythng you buy in a store to put on them, you are wasting your money. Beleive me , I know!! Been there, done that. And, vacuum everything you can and keep vacuuming ,vacuuming,vacuuming!!

  3. have u tried an exterminator???

  4. Are you using a product like Sentinel? My dogs have been on it for 3 years and have never had fleas.

    Picked up these green tidbits from

    Pour a cup of boiling water over a sliced lemon. Include the lemon skin, scored to release more citrus oil. Let this mixture soak overnight, and sponge on your dog

    Add brewer's yeast and garlic, or apple cider vinegar, to your pets' food

    Plant fleabane in yards

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