
Do you know of any Christian adoption agencies that will let someone who is over 50 (she's 51) adopt?

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My parents want to adopt....we already have six kids, but our family would love to add another child. So does anyone know of any adoption agencies that will let a 51 year old (my dad is several years younger) and a family with 6 kids adopt? A Christian agency is preferred. Also, we're from Canada if that makes a difference.





  2. I just answered a similar question to this earlier today, so I'll copy and paste it.  It doesn't fit your situation exactly, but close enough:

    Keep in mind that adoption is about finding homes for children who need them, not finding children for adults who want them. If you are physically capable of raising a child until you are 70 years old or older (depending on how long the process takes); if you have the financial capability to care for a child's needs for the next 20+ years, including counseling and other emotional/mental health services; if you have a back-up plan for your child should something happen to you (i.e. a family member who is loving, patient, kind, and WILLING to care for your child through adulthood); if you're willing and able to deal with the emotional complications that come from adoption; if you have the time to spend with a child who needs lots and lots of love and attention (i.e. if you don't have to work) [and I would have to say that six other children in the house would make this impossible]; and of course, if you have a safe house with enough space, then go for it.

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