
Do you know of any books, etc to teach my preschooler to tell time?

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Do you know of any books, etc to teach my preschooler to tell time?




  1. You should just get a large broken clock and come up with a story to tell him/her by turning the hands around.

  2. We have a Thomas the Tank Engine book called Telling Time with Thomas. It has a clock on it with moveable hands that my kids enjoy.

  3. My kids (now 7 and 5) have both enjoyed this one:

    What Time Is It?  by Julie Haydon

    It is a very easy read with a clock that can be changed to help learn how to tell time.

  4. There are lots of great kids books out there to teach children how to tell time. Some even have favorite characters that teach how to tell time now. Pick a book with a theme or character that your preschooler enjoys and he/she will be more excited about learning to tell time. When you look for a book to teach time, look for one with a built in "clock" with moveable hands that will allow your child to practice. You will also want to pick up a cool character watch from Amazon, ABC Distributing, or Wal Mart that will allow your child to learn to tell time through practice.

    Tell the Time with Thomas by Christopher Awdry and Tommy Stubbs  (Thomas The Tank)

    Tell Time with The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle

    Tell the Time with Miffy by d**k Bruna

    Noddy Tells the Time by Enid Blyton

    Tell the Time with Merlin  by Keith Littler  

    Let's Tell the Time with the Bunnies by Alan Fredman

    Barbie: Tell the Time with Me!

    Tell the Time with Pooh by A.A. Milne, Mark Burgess, and E.H. Shepard  

    I Can Tell the Time by Gill Davies and Stephanie Longfoot  

    Mess Monsters Tell the Time by Beth Shoshan and Piers Harper

    Tell the Time with Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard

    My First Tell the Time Game by DK Publishing

    Little Rabbit's Tell the Time Book by Alan Baker

    Harry and the Dinosaurs Tell the Time by Ian Whybrow and Adrian Reynolds

    Telling Time with Big Mama Cat by Dan Harper

    What's the Time? Benjamin Learns to Tell the Time by Anne Leblanc

    Besides books, you could also try the following:

    The Primary Time Teacher Junior 12-Hour Learning Clock by Learning Resources Inc.  (essentially a clock that teaches how to tell time) Printable practice clock

  5. Use both type of actual clocks to illustrate the time .  Show the digital time plus the regular clock  time together. l Example ,if it is 10:15 the digital will show this  but the regular clock will show where the hands should be for 10:15.

    Then make it like a game . Make index cards with digital time on them and make index cards with numerical time. and ask the child to match them. and have the child state the time.

    Ask the child to notify when it reaches a certain time.  It has to be fun.. You  will begin to see if you need t regulate your methods.  just remember it has to be fun... Use both methods of time telling this will reinforce your teaching

    Good luck

  6. yes its not a book your kid can understand if he has a digital cloack or a good bold words block by telling them and explaing them time according to his playing and eating enviroment

  7. I established routines such as breakfast time, school time, lunch time, nap time, play time, TV time, milk time, teeth brushing time, story time and explained it to my 4 yo child, told him the time while showed him the pointers at the clock, numbered from 1 to 12. To boost his motivation, I bought a fancy toddler wristwatch and ask him the time many times throughout the day.

    Hope it helps ;-)

  8. On a regular clock...

    That is something that a lot of kids struggle with actually. When I was in preschool and early elementary school (late '90s), there were a lot of kids that really struggled and couldn't completely learn how to read that kind of clock. When he's my age, digital clocks will probably be everywhere, so it won't be nearly as big of an issue (if you look for a new watch now, you'll notice that about 3/4 of them are digital).

  9. BJ's post was right on. Preschool age is still a bit early to be teaching time, but if you feel he already knows all his numbers and can get the concept then go for it. Make it fun. It does take awhile. Start with learning how to tell time on the hour, then move on to the 30 minute mark, then the 15 mintues after and then 15 minutes before, and then last of all teach the minutes.

    Also make sure you do Analog and Digital. That way he will be learninmg both at once. It makes it a lot easier. Good luck. Just make it fun!!

  10. Pre schoolers dont tell the time - they are not operating at an abstract level. Time for them is morning, afternoon and night. They dont do last week, last year, when gran was a baby...they cant tell the time til they are 6 or 7 or even 8. Dont worry, your child will be reading clocks one day - it isnt a biggie.

  11. Try the web.


  12. My son liked Time To, then, we made his own Time To book.  I took pictures of him throughout the day.  I typed the book on the computer in the same format as the original Time To.  I stapled the pages in a folded cardstock paper.  On the top of the cardstock I make a clock with moveable hands.  The pages of him turned to the left and the clock stayed above each page so he could change the time.  Use a brad paper fastener to attach hands.  I hope that makes sense.  We just did it last Saturday.  It's a great keepsake and he loves reading it and changing the clock.

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