
Do you know of any cost effective and safe night light for a bedroom?

by  |  earlier

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I can't sleep without any source of light and so what I do is I open my curtains wide before I go to bed but end up waking up around 4am everyday to close it again as the brightness outside would wake me up. Do you know of any cost effective and safe night light you can leave for about 6-7 hours every night?





  1. There's a lot of them............just go to a house of lights somewhere..........all kinds around..........tell the sales person what you're shooting for.......they should have it........How about a small skylight........would be a little spend-ee.......but........have a nice one. bye,,,,,,,,,they probably even have something solar

  2. My husband bought one of those night lights like the ones they have in clubs. Kind of indirect light. Bright enough to sleep comfortable yet not too bright to keep you or your partner awake. The light has a sensor that shuts the light off once daylight or a room light hits it. You can buy them at home depot or Loew's. I think it's called LED.

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