
Do you know of any democrats that drive electric cars and use a push mower to mow their lawns?

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I am sure Al Gore does.





  1. I don't know of any democrat politicians that drive cars or mow their lawns.  Most go about in limos and have people to mow their lawns.

  2. Didn't think any politicians cut  their own yards, not since Mayberry.

  3. No - but the illegal aliens they hire to cut their grass might.

  4. I drive a Prius, and use a push mower. I am a Democrat.

    Know of any Republicans that do? Most of the ones I know have a truck/SUV (not small ones) and riding lawn mower.

    So what's your point? Trying to gauge the hypocrisy?

  5. I'm sure Ed Begley, Jr. does - he's a "green" fanatic - which is a good thing!

  6. Yeah, actually I tend to vote for democrats and I both push my mower and drive an electric car.

  7. not many I am sure.  All those movie stars would know how to live without a gas burner.

  8. If by Democrats you are referring to any of those people running for the White House in 08, I hardly doubt that any of them have pushed a lawn mower in a  really long time!  As for their cars, I don't know.

  9. Al Gore lives in a mansion that requires roughly 20 times the energy of a normal home. I'm not waiting on politicians to help the environment.

    It's happening, as the computer revolution did, in peoples' garages, backyards, small start-ups etc.

    I've known of global warming since the late eighties and honestly feel that, if anything, Gore's film has done more harm than good as he never mentioned the role of phytoplankton which is absolutely key and central to the entire debate.

    Aquatic plant life produces 98% of earth's oxygen and phytoplankton is responsible for most of that amount. And it's dying.

    Imagine that if every tree, every blade of grass, every green thing on land died off within a month, only about 2% of the carbon re-uptake and oxygen production would be affected! But if only 2% of marine plant-life dies, nearly the same percentage of carbon/oxygen cycle would halt.

    The acidity of our oceans is rising, killing off the most important workforce for our environment. Why didn't Gore even mention that? Politicians! Let's lose'm!


  10. I am democrats, and if I can afford to exchange the car I purchased right before the hybrids/ electrical were widely avail. here I will.

    I push my lawn, recycle, reduce, reuse, re-buy.  

    Politicians??? HONESTLY???;)

  11. I don't know anyone around who does.  

    However, in the area I live in there are some people who mow their yards by tying out goats and moving them every few days.... don't use any fossil fuels at all and leave behind plenty of  organic fertilizer!

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