
Do you know of any friend-bonding ceremony?

by Guest60424  |  earlier

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I think that we don't have enough rituals or ceremonies in American culture. Many cultures have a rite of passage; we don't have any formal such ceremony (although some cultures bring theirs with them, such as a Quinceañera).

I'd really like to know about any friend-bonding ceremonies in other cultures. I have some really strong friendships that I think would be stronger if we could perform some ritual or ceremony indicating that we want to be friends forever. And I don't just mean giving each other a BFF bracelet.

Is there anything like this out there?




  1. When I was growing up, the thing to do with your best friend was to become "blood brothers/sisters." You would each prick your finger with a needle and then mesh the two droplets together for "eternal best friendship." Good thing we all grew up and realized just how dangerous that really is, especially in these disease infested times.

    I guess you could make your own ritual, with a ceremonious dinner, planting a tree, taking an annual vacation together, there are all kinds of things. But your real friends already know what they mean to you and what you mean to them. There really isnt a need for a ritual. You already have rituals with them everyday, you're just not thinking of it that way.

  2. I think the American ritual is going on spring break together. Another one that isn't as popular as it use to be was a road trip across country.  Gas prices have put a hurt on that one. The military even has a program where friends can join and serve together. Now that is bonding.

  3. That is nice of you and yes, American culture should have more special ceremonies.  I'd probably ask a Native American holy person to come with their gift.  Mask dancers, spirit boards, sweet grass, things like that.  I would if I had a BFF but I don't think I do at the moment.

  4. Committing a crime together. JUST KIDDING. It seems that the American culture doesn't have one particular ceremony for this. I think we value friendships themselves as an ongoing and continuous ceremony. The bond is maintained with communication and activities.

  5. Forget ceremony.

    The best things to cause two or more people to bond are:

    1. Fear

    2. Hunger

    3. Fear,

    4. hardship that is survived, (usually involves fear)

    5. Fear,

    I think that's it.

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