
Do you know of any natural/herbal remedies for anxiety?

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I was prescribed Effexor XR 75mg and took the product for six months. The medicine did control my anxiety, however it caused me to have no energy and gain forty pounds. So if anyone has tried a natural product please share the details with me!




  1. i heard valerian...and st. johns wart ( the latter had no effect on me). i stick with kolipin.....and alcohol.

  2. kava, Hylands nerve tonic, valarian, 5htp

  3. try yoga

  4. Try over-the-counter Sam-E.  Be careful if you are on the pill while using it - i think it has St. Johns Wort in it which can interact with the pill making it ineffective. Also, try some yoga - worked wonders for me

  5. u need to increase ur intake of magnesium...there's this product called mag-2 that u have to take in water everyday. Magnesium helps reduce stress and anxiety and increase concentration...u can find any link tellin the properties of magnesium and the consequences of lack of it

  6. Diet affects your moods over time.  Look to see that you have trace elements, good oils, plenty of B vitamins, daily electrolytes, anti-oxidants, with plenty of C, D, and E.  I recommend fresh sources and sources that nature naturally collects like kelp, honey, spirulina, .  Pay attention to what calms you in food and any other activity.  Make sure you get 10 to 15 minutes of sun daily.  Releasing endorphins can be key to this -- a bite of dark chocolate, exercise, an ah-ha moment, chili peppers, a loving or kind moment -- all these accrue endorphins.

    In Chinese Medicine they look at your pattern of health and match herbs that strengthen your weakness.  Fatigue is often Kidney Vacuity and shows up in the tongue as a red tongue with no coat.  Fatigue can also be a Blood Vacuity with a pale tongue and a pale face.  Fatigue can be Qi stagnation as the motive energetic force in the body stalls and leaves you wanting for energy -- often due to stress or strong emotions with irritability.  As you can imagine, three distinct sources of fatigue require three distinct answers.  So Gui Pi Tang treats exhaustion from over-working.  Xiao Yao San treats qi stagnation from an underlying blood vacuity.  Liu Wei Di Huang Wan treats Kidney Deficiency that often occurs as we age.  Si Wu Tang treats Blood vacuity.  s**+ Quan Da Bu San treats that never got better from an operation or chronic illness problem that has a combination of Qi and Blood vacuity.

    There are more patterns.  So one approach is finding your pattern with a natural herbalist in Chinese Medicine and take herbs that heal your pattern.  The Chinese use food, exercise,  massage, acupressure, acupuncture, herbs, and many other modalities for helping the body recover.

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