
Do you know of any natural remedies for overeating?

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Do you know of any natural remedies for overeating?




  1. Portion control if one of the best and most natural remedies, associated with exercise and adequate fluid intake.

    One of the 'other' best exeercises is the straight elbow - simply push yourself away from the table before you are tempted to take more.

    Avoid fast foods, eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegies a day,  don;t be fooled by 'low calorie or low sugar items. they don't offer an nutritional content.

    Fluids should be water, water, and water, along with a fresh juice, but don't get tricked into buying 'fruit cocktails' that usually only have about 5% real fruit juice and the rest is imitation. A lot of these are highly advertized but have little nutritional value.

    Stay away from boxes and mixes that have high carb and salt content. for example, look at the list of a package of raman noodles - they have more than 600 mgm sodium which is more than you should have in a week.

    Another couple secrets, first, use a smaller plate so your servings look larger,

    Make yourself a salad with lettuce and greens and eat it first before the main course.

    Save the dessert for later, and make it an apple or orange or some unbuttered popcorn.  Be cautious of the so-called health bars. Look at the carbs and calories.

    Don't get tricked into just counting calories, there are a lot of empty calories that have no nutritional value, either.

    never read or watch tv while eating, just eat and enjoy it by chewing everything at least 5 - 10 times instead of bolting it down.

    Take smaller servings and NEVER go back for seconds.

    Last, and I know this works - drink a full glass of water 1/2 hour before each meal. It will make your stomach feel fuller

    Oh, one other thing if you can find a partner, do it together, and only weigh your self once a week. 2 pounds a week is better and you may hit plateaus at times, this is natural..

    Good luck and set yourself small goals, say 10 pounds at a time, and then treat yourself to something special.

    Weightwatchers does make some sweets that aren't all that bad,but don't get tricked into eating too many prepared foods.

  2. I'll give you some quick and simple tricks...

    1. Drink water...many people eat or continue to eat past feeling full because they are dehydrated.  First thing when you get up in the morning drink a full glass of water, and then make sure you get in at least 8 more through the day.

    2. Buy some peppermint essential oil (available in health food stores) keep it on you and dab a little on your wrists and or temples (go easy on it) inhaling peppermint curbs your appetite...there is a study that showed people who regularly inhaled peppermint ate on average 3000 less calories a week.  Also keep some good peppermint gym handy if you feel you must joke it works

    3. Try to move more, you don't need me to tell you why, just take a walk after dinner or at lunch...try to get out and do things that are at least moderately active.

    You can conquer this...Good luck!!

  3. Activity!  When you're busy doing something, you're probably not snacking.  Even if you are, you're burning calories.  Drink LOTS of water, you'll feel full and eat less.

    Rich, salty, sweet, fatty snacks are more emotionally satisfying than physically. Over-eating is a symptom of an emotional disconnect.  Find out if you're eating for emotional reasons: boredom, depression, anger, or anxiety.  Sometimes people with food issues inherit them from their parents, sometimes they're learned...

    I was overweight for many years, an emotional eater, I couldn't stay away from the foods that made me bloat and gain weight.  The foods I chose actually sapped my energy and made me even more depressed, when I came down from the sugar high...  

    I decided to find something I loved, and do it.  I picked roller derby.  For a few months, I was the chubby girl everyone made fun of.  I was Bambi on ice, after 20 years off of wheels, most of my skills were dead and buried.  I resurrected them, and now I'm fit and happy.  No one makes fun of me anymore!  It's so much easier to turn away from foods that drag me down, and choose nutritional snacks that help me reach my fitness goals.  Instead of living to eat, I eat to live.  

    I don't think there's a natural remedy for overeating.  There are pills that will make you less hungry, but in my experience, if you're not eating because of hunger, you'll eat anyway.  If you're overeating, you're probably eating emotionally, so those pills will do little to nothing to help you break the habit.

    Work on your reasons for overeating, and you'll fix it yourself.

  4. Fasting. Seriously. I try and have one day per week without anything other than  juice or water. Hard at first, but it works and the only side-effect is a much improved appetite.

  5. Try getting up and doing a project, like gardening, mowing the grass, vacuum your car, walk to the mailbox, brush your pet, put a load of laundry away. Get a glass of water and drink it. Another thing that really helps...keep a journal of everything you eat from the time you get up til bedtime. Then look at it each morning, it's surprising how much we eat from habit, boredom or the amount we eat. It opens your eyes when you see it on paper. See, no pills, no chemicals and it does work :o)

  6. Hi! Sometimes the reason we over eat is not so much about food choices as it is about the emotional issue that is causing us to want to over eat.  When the over eating issue is linked to emotional trauma and repressed emotions then sometimes couseling, life coaching, and hypnosis can assist in weight reduction and over eating control, as well as all of the other amazing suggestions from the other people who have answered the question!

    Tara Harper

  7. yes its called hoodia

  8. eat natural foods

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