
Do you know of any safe ways i can volenteer?

by  |  earlier

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i am 11 and i am interested in helping people somehow




  1. I was looking for a poem wrote by someone in a nursing home to include but can't locate it.

    Time is a most precious thing in our life. Older people in nursing homes very much appreciate when a young person sacrifices their time to pay them a visit.

    And it doesn't have to be a long visit. Please don't overlook this option.

    I admire you for your question. A man once told another man that he spent half of his life trying to figure out what one thing that he could do to change the world in his life time. Something that would really leave an impact.

    Then he told the man that after observing him for several years it finally occurred to him that the other man was changing the world around him with each small act of caring. One small act each day was changing the world.

    Sometimes a person doesn't know the full measure of kindness and how it can change another persons life in many ways.

    There are very many different ways you can volunteer in many different areas. Find what you are good at. Good luck and God bless.

  2. if it's ok with your parents why not go read to some people at a nursing home. a lot of them would really like that. you would be helping them not feel so bad.

  3. Yes that sounds great . You can contact , red cross in your area, or go to hospitals and just stop in patents rooms and ask if they would like a visitor old people like that, churches sometimes have stuff to do , be a pink lady in a hospital ., in the gift shop. Call the police dept. they would know in your area. Good for you , that's nice .

  4. Try your church, you can also be a good friend or help your neighbors. There are many things you can do, you don't have to go far from home to help.

  5. Look into local chapters of the girl scouts. They often volunteer as a group.

    VolunteerMatch sometimes lists family volunteering opportunities:

    NetAid has programs specifically for students in North America who want to help in the developing world. NetAid is now a part of MeryCorps

    TakingIT Global is another resource for young people in the USA who want to do something to affect the situation positively in developing countries

    There's another person here on Yahoo who talks about The Pencil Project, and it might be perfect for someone your age:

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