
Do you know of any websites where I can create a family tree?

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Do you know any FREE sites where I can start building my family tree?




  1. a really good site 2 create your own family tree is

  2. Just to give you an alternate view.. you don't need a website to create a family tree.  You don't need a computer, in fact (yes, it does help).

    Here is one (of many) places, where you can start learning how to trace your ancestry.  TO START.. you can use a 3 ring binder, and notebook paper, to keep what are called family group sheets.

    Here is what I consider critical about your family history.  You work from you backwards.. no exceptions.  You interview family.. but remember to always get RECORDS to verify the information. Memories are not always accurate.

    You will have a fgs (family group sheet) for each couple, and will use the birth name for women. It includes husband and wife and info about their birth/marriage/death (date and place) and each child.  It has name for the parents of each of those..which 'links' to a fgs sheet for them. You list the children of each couple on those (include name of spouse, if married).  

    As you start listing the details.. you will see where there are gaps in the info, and each of those facts are what you will work to locate. The challenge is, what record has the info?

    Most living persons are not, and should not be, online.  It is always a privacy risk (which is why I avoid the type of sites you mention).

    As Ted says.. you can download a program to store this info for free, which is a great program.. and the info remains on your computer, and private.

    It is common for new persons to rely on what others have found. It takes a few conflicts in info, before you realize that all info online is NOT correct.  You can still find your ancestors, even if you never find a cousin online.. because you are going for documents, instead of someone else's conclusions.  If you find other research.. it is gravy..but it is not the cornerstone.

    You will have costs as you go.. not reasonable to expect it is all free. If family members have things like death certificates, then it helps.

    The only other site that I think is important...

    She collects resources for genealogy.  Browse the site, to get an idea of what IS out there.  But, start with the basics, first.  

  3. Ancstry and Tribal pages will let you enter and store data on-line, but most of us prefer to use the web for research and keep our data on our PCs. The Mormons will let you download PAF for free. It is a genealogy program. You can but Roots Magic for $29 or Family Tree Maker for $39. They too are genealogy programs. All three are to family trees what "Word" is to novels.

    Write if you want links.

  4. Tribal Pages is good.  It's free but you do have the option to upgrade for a small cost and you can download your tree and save to your computer, add even more photos, lose the ads, print charts etc.


  6. PAF (Personal ancestral File) from the Latter Day Saints

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