
Do you know of any websites where I can post horse questions to horse people?

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(one that doesn't clog up my inbox)





    There is a link to the horse forum on the left. Under horses for sale. It is really good.

  2. How about  a forum? :D

    Because I have one on

  3. Just ask me!!!!!!!!

    lol yahoo answers has tons of people it is amazing ask yahoo anything and get a great and accurate answers

  4. has a free forum.  I know that the server for their forum has more horse forums that are specific for breeds and events as well, but I prefer the pleasure horse one.

  5. When you are hooked up to a yahoogroup for horses, you can change the setting to "no mail".  Then all you have to do is get on the main page to read the posts.  You can set it to "digest", and it will group posts, and post one e-mail to you.  I normally use the "no mail".  Hope this helps you.

  6. there is loads of forums:

    how about the horse and hound one?

  7. is a horse website with a forum you can join and talk with other horse people.  It's a cool site, lots of horse info and articles.  All free, and no it won't clog your inbox.  I visit the forum quite a bit, with the same name there:  DaisyKJ.  We'd be happy to include you in our horsey conversations!

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