
Do you know of any women that do not want kids?

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Why is that so difficult? I can understand it may be a biological/genetic/evolutionary thing, but every girl, at some point or other seem to want kids...Why?




  1. Myself.

  2. I am. But you say every girl at some point ants kids - but this is the general view which is making women who don't want kids feel inadequte or unnatural. It's assumed that 'normal' women do want kids, so less will speak up about it because they are seen as wierd or selfish.

    EDIT: I like being an aunty but don't like kids that much, I think if you are a parent you should put 100% effor itn. But I don't want that, my hubby and I want to spend our lives and money on ourselves having fun, learning and loving.

  3. Myself. And many girls at work too.  And contrary to popular belief, they're not hardcore feminists!  

    I hate babies and kids, they drive me up the wall, and I cannot be around them for more then 5 minutes. The screaming gives me a headache, the money you have to spend on them, it's ridiculous.  I'd rather spend that money towards travelling and enjoying life. I'm never going to be the stay at home soccer mom.  Scares me thinking about it.

  4. Me, several of the women here, one of my classmates from business, one of my friends from the radio station, and probably a few other friends of mine who have yet to bring it up.

  5. i know plenty of women who just don't like kids. they just cant be bothered dealing with a bad kid or a crying kid.

  6. The only women I know of who don't want kids are the women of this forum. I guess they prefer cats.

    I've never met a real life woman who told me she was not interested in having kids.


    EDIT: I take that back. I met ONE and ironically she was a feminist. A BIG feminist. What a shocker...

  7. yes, i do know some of my british and canadian YA contacts who frerquent the GWS section, do not want children... but i dont find it unusual.. some simply depise men, and perhaps it translates into a 'no babies' attitude.

    analytically however, i'd say these women have visions to prove true.. and bearing children is really a burden for the kind of lifestyles they admonish. hence it becomes a reasonable cause to not have kids.

    ideology, like culture, is a very strong factor..

  8. My sister doesn't and some of her friends don't either. I've met some online over the past 10 years or so that say they don't want any either. So yeah, I do.

  9. Yes, I do.  There are many women who do not want kids.  The difference now is they have more of a voice to say it.  A man can't force us to do things we don't want to do.  

    Just because someone is a woman doesn't mean that she automatically wants kids.  Get that stereotype out of your head because it's false.

  10. Loads

  11. Yeah..but they also change their mind.

    I used to not want kids when I was 18-19, but now I want them..I love fat babies.

  12. I have met quite a few. The interesting thing is that it's not because they don't like children but that they don't have a great desire for them and don't want the responsibility.

  13. My guess would be about 90% to 95% of women strongly want to have children at some stage in their life.

    But there are also girls who are not sure, or don't want kids. Some of those become lovely Aunties.

    Personally I LOVE being a mother and can't imagine not having children. But I wouldnt say we are all the same.

  14. We want a family and to always be loved by a child and husband. At least that's what I want. I never met a women that didn't want kids.

  15. Yeah, me! I think I was born without a biological clock. I'm 40, and I think not having kids is the best decision I ever made. I've never regretted it. We are out there, we're just few and far between.

  16. My girlfriend.

  17. almost all of my friends don't want kids

    and my mom had friends that never wanted kids

    and never had kids

    same for dad

  18. This is NOT true for all women, but i have known many girls that do not want children because they are to into themselves and don't want to make the time to give anyone else attention. But in that case, it is better that they do not have children!

  19. I've never wanted kids, nor has my husband.  I got my tubes tied when I was 28.  10+ years later I'm still happy with that decision.

  20. I don't think every woman does.  Most people, male and female,  are programmed by nature to want to reproduce, because if we weren't the human species would die out.  some people however do not have the urge.  I have several women friends who are childless.

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