
Do you know of anyone under the age of 16 who takes Lexapro?

by  |  earlier

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If so, what is their age and how is it working for them?




  1. yup. me...well i used to but i refuse to take it anymore. hehe. im 13 and was taking it at 11 or 12. i didn't think it did anything so there.

  2. I used to take it, But I stopped. It doesn't do anything. It just makes me have very restless nights. I don't recommend it.

  3. I took it when I was 12. It did NOTHING for me. So I switched over to Prozac.

  4. I take Lexapro. I used to take Zoloft. I am 15 and the product has never given me any problems. I take 20mg.  

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