
Do you know of anyone who has or had family relics, keepsakes or heirlooms that go back many generations?

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As for myself I have things from both of my parents, all of my grandparents, things from four of my great-grandparents and one thing from one of my great-great grandmothers.




  1. My sisters and I slept in a spooled crib made by my great-grandmother's brother; and my older sister has a bed and dresser that he also made. In England I was impressed by the number of people I met who had furniture, china, etc. going back many generations ... maybe life in North America was not as "settled" for many of our ancestors.

    But have you ever watched "Antiques Road Show"? Many North Americans seem to have family keepsakes marking significant events, like the Civil War, the Red River Rebellion.

  2. I have one things from my paternal paternal great-great grandmother.  I have one thing from my paternal great grandmother, and one thing from my paternal's maternal great grandmother.

    I really want to know how far back the item from my paternal paternal great-great grandmother goes.  It's a little silver dish that holds a loaf of bread.

  3. I have a blouse that belonged to my great great grandmother.  She was born in 1837 and died in 1876.  She was a very petite woman who immigrated from Winterswijk, Netherlands.  The styles sure were different then.  It makes me glad that I was born in the generation I was in.  Although, sometimes I do yearn for the simpler way of life that my ancestors had after they immigrated.

  4. Blessed aren't we? I have my gr.mothers wedding rings,several quilts,&some odds/ends.2 things that are special,though one is a cut glass candy dish that has been handed down to the oldest daughter.I am 4th to have it & have 3 generations to pass it on to.The other is a handmade crazy quilt.Treasure your precious things & find someone in your family that  will,too.

  5. My parents were born at the turn of the century; their parents were born before the Civil War. So, I have things that go back only 2 generations; a 3-minute egg timer (sandglass), a tea pot (about 4-ounces), a Bible belonging to my great-aunt (she is in the National Register for having taught Sunday School for more than 80 years). There are flowers in it that she picked when she was in the Holy Lands...more than 150 years ago.

  6. I have a teapot that belonged to my great-great-grandparents--not many gnerations back, really, but I come from a late-marrying family on that side,and these two ancestors were married over 200 years ago and died in the 1850s, so the teapot has to be between 150 and 200 years old.

  7. I have an Adams platter that my maternal great grandmother's family brought to Texas when they emigrated from Kentucky in 1855.  I don't know if it's any older than that, however.

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