
Do you know of articles-events that speak of struggles to form unions?

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From the 1940's - 1980's: does anyone know of websites/news articles that deal with obstacles that labor union organizers in the U.S. came across in their attempts to form unions? Such struggles would be:

1. management of the mill/factory using propaganda or other methods to create rifts between the workers so that the wouldn't want to unionize

2. race issues that erupted between workers so they didn't want to unionize

3. refusal of workers to unionize because they were content with the current situation- didn't want to deal with the change, were afraid of it

--or any others. also, articles about workers or organizers being confronted and beat up for trying to form a union.

THANKS, and direct links would really help!




  1. I would suggest that you borrow the book  "The Brothers Reuther" from the public library.

    It was written by the late Victor Reuther, brother of Walter Reuther, and describes in detail the struggle to organize the United Autoworkers.

    I had the honor of speaking with Victor on several occasions, and was amazed at the detail of the events he remembered.

    I believe you would enjoy the book, and would certainly find all of the information that you are looking for.

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