
Do you know of someone who cant forgive or forget and is hateful?

by  |  earlier

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yet they go to church and still proclaim to be the very best.What motivates these people money greed or just plain trying to look good in others eyes.




  1. my oldest brother. He's a complete doofus!

    I think he does these things to look good to other people, he really doesn't believe the hype and church and what it teaches. As long as others see him as good, or at least trying. then he goes and drinks, does drugs, sleeps around. he's a freak!

  2. Oh, they're absolutely LEGION among the fundagelical crowd over in Religion and Spirituality!

  3. Oddly enough, it is the very people who go to church and proclaim themselves righteous that are quickest to judge others condemn them as evil, sinner, h**l-bound, etc.  This in spite of the fact that their religion teaches them to love everyone, and that Christ himself hung out with those very people more than he did with the so-called 'righteous' ones.

  4. It's called "Elitism"

  5. WELL...the bible says you cant go to heaven until you forgive................wonder what church they go to

  6. hypocrisy 2 avoid introspection !

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