
Do you know someone on antidepressants?

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have you seen a chance in their moods,are they less depressed or do they act the same?




  1. I was on one and it made me go carzy really really bad mood swings but it is different for every one.

  2. Everyone is different. Something that works for one person can freak another out, or not work at all for another person.

    I personally tried a couple different meds, and they all made me worse. It seems like they made me feel nothing. Maybe that is why some are thought to cause suicide attempts. They just make you care less.

    I'm not a big fan of medication. I feel like I am more likely to feel better if I find a way to help myself.

    If they don't help you, go back ASAP and get them changed, or stop taking them. Sometimes all you need is to get in touch with yourself more. These days, people are way to eager to just pop a pill to feel better. Somehow, the reasons behind the sadness don't matter anymore.

  3. Almost everyone I know is on antidepressants.  I've taken them myself.  I took them for over 20 years.

    One important thing to know about antidepressants is that they can take up to 8 weeks to start working.  You don't begin feeling better immediately.  In fact, you may have adverse effects like nausea and headaches for a couple of weeks, but these usually go away.

    Prescribing antidepressants is often a hit-and-miss procedure.  If, after 2 months, you don't think your antidepressants are helping, the doctor may put you on a different one.  If that one does work after 2 months, he may try another one.  This is because there is really no test to tell what antidepressant will work for you.  Everyone reacts differently to antidepressants.

    The most important thing for you to know is that you must be patient. It can be frustrating if you have to try pill after pill and they don't seem to work.  Don't give up and keep your doctor informed about how you feel.

    Antidepressants can be more helpful if they're combined with "talk therapy", so it's good for you to see a counselor too.

  4. Yes--they really do work, and if you are on the right dose/right medication for you--you really notice a change (over time).  I first noticed when I didn't think bad things about myself all the time.  You probably won't feel like "you are on top of the world"'s subtle..and you won't feel any different (like stoned or anything like that)'s more of a feeling like yourself before the depression ever started...or when you have a good day (been depressed for so long it's hard to imagine ever being happy)--and start to have more of them.

    Thank you for asking the question and good luck to you.  Typically you may start noticing a change after about a week...keep in close contact with your doc if you have any trouble.

  5. My grandmother was on an antidepressant a few years ago. There was a huge change. She was actually nice.

  6. I take an antidepressant ,Trazadone, for the sleep disturbance problems of fibromyalgia. It works wonders for allowing  me good  nights sleep. I don't know what it does for my behavior. Good luck with your new meds.Lara

  7. yeah a couple of people, generally the pills work well and the people become happier and more easy-going.

    sometimes they work so well the patient comes off them too soon as they feel fine and this can be dangerous as your mood will plummet.

    for some people the pills take a while to take effect so stick it out for a couple of weeks before making your mind up.

    some of them have side-effects such as headaches or weight gain which can upset people, counter-acting the purpose of the anti-depressant. so talk it through with your doctor to try and find one which will suit you.

    good luck x

  8. I'm taking an antidepressant. I feel a whole lot better than I used to and friends noticed the change.

    I'm hoping that your doctor refers you to a counselor or therapist. The drug stopped my suicidal and negative thoughts so the counseling could help.

  9. yes i have seen changes in their moods. It takes some time depending on the type of medication. I have been on 2 differentt kinds. The first one did what it should. It kept me from being so sad and so anxious all the time. The other mad me angry, and some what suicidal. I no longer take that one.. but again the medication has to be right for the person. sometimes they have to take several kinds inorder to find the one right for them.

  10. It depends what meds they are on. Some can make them more suicidal while others may make them happy.

  11. yes i have seen a change why

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