
Do you know someone who is an extreme energy waster and doesn't care about the environment?

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If you know someone who matches my description I want to hear from you!




  1. yes. They're called slobs.

  2. everybody in the world. we just dont really know it.

  3. royal family! Andrew off to golf in an RAF helicopter, Willy learning to fly war planes/helicopters skills he will never ever be expected use just likes burning fuel then there's all their big old houses and fleets of big cars...

  4. Yes, there's a bozo near here who has a leaf blower AND a patio heater!

  5. Even if you don't care about the environment you probably dont have an unlimited source of cash. Even if you did you'd still rather use you money the right way. Who wouldn't? Even you someone who "is an extreme energy waster and doesn't care about the environment" has probably done something green. If you shop at Wal Mart, you're supporting a company that is attempting to be the greenest corporation in the country.

  6. my parents!!

  7. That would be me.

  8. George W. Bush

  9. most people in the world probably

  10. I thought I was good environmentally, but some quiz online says we would need two and half planets to support my lifestyle.  I recon it is due to my car use, but I live so rural and need to get to work.  I mean I car share, use my bike to the limits of my little legs when I can, reduce, reuse, recycle, only boil enough for one cuppa, turn everything off but men, eat nearly a vegan diet, holiday in the UK (okay I did visit Holland on the ferry and train), my garden is the most biodiverse for habitats and nature in the area, I have bats in the honeysuckle, hedgehogs, frogs (kissed a few too)... but still the thumbs down from the quiz!  Today I was passed by a huge car with a mummy in it, going to the shop that was walkable to.  Sun is shining and her child is the future, I rest my case...

  11. Sure do! His name is Dan Power and he's a hardcore carbon junkie: one of his mottos is "Polar Bears, Who Cares?"!  Check out his viral video at -  where he dishes out  some helpful pointers helpful on how to really waste energy and really not care about the environment.

    P.S. The viral has made Energy Wasting Guy something of a cult star in the past few weeks - he's been featured on the homepages of, MSN  and Green TV. Still,  word on the street has it that even he may be rethinking his evil-doing, undercracker-toasting, climate-ruining's hoping!

    Check it out!

  12. My place of work!

    I work in a school and they don't recycle anything.

    I get really cross as I have said I would like to start but they throw everything in the bin.

    They are very wasteful, throwing unused paper away, pens and pencils which would still work. and they use aper towels to dry hands on, not just one but a handful.  Also milk cartons and bin bags.

    They also leave lights on, computers on etc even through the holidays.

    I am a cleaner, and unfortunately they won't listen to me!!!

    I do try though, by emptying my bin bags straight in the outside bin, reusing papertowels to clean mirror and sinks etc, and putting paper back on the pile that hasn't been used.


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