
Do you know that French energy firm EDF is soaking the English in order to give greater profit to France?

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Do you also know that Gordon Brown's younger brother,Andrew Brown,also works for EDF Energy (the UK subsidiary of EDF!)

Nudge! Nudge!......Wink! Wink!

Which could account for Brown's sudden conversion to Nuclear Energy!

The only long word that the Scots know is "Nepotism"




  1. Strange as it may seem but I totally agree with sonofmac, I would give him/her a thumbs up if icould, but, i am but a lowly persona with regards to the 'yahoo points' system

  2. Gordy Broon and his Nu Layber crew aren't interested in anything other than lining their own pockets as quickly as they can and introducing ever-restrictive laws on us.

  3. My paper said same, though one has to read the whole piece, in fact cross check this info, as if you look at the figures there doesn't seem to be a lot different in costs. Having said that, i absolutely hate the fact that any companies are owned by foreign businesses, they can do what they like and we can't do a d**n thing about it. EDF is my supplier and i can honestly say they are appalling, but changing i fear won;t be any different.

    Margaret Thatcher believed in the free market, and it was supposed to open up the closed shops of the former nationalised businesses which were full of jobsworths and completely stuffed full of bureaucrats. It was to make it a better system for everyone, so you as the consumer could choose which supplier you wanted to give your money to. Sadly this has resulted in much being sold to foreign countries and they are the ones controlling the industries and can thumb their noses at any interference from our government seemingly.

  4. The Frog Market (EC) was invented by the French for the benefit of the French and no one else. you only hassve to see how they try to stamp on anyone who breaks the rules but take no notice of them if it does not suit France. it is time the government purchased or took a golden share in these companies and had an ability to vveto these exploitary moves by foreign companies  

  5. Not just EDF - All the power companies are doing the same thing - in legal terms this is called 'extortion' and is part of gangsta culture.

    We now have a situation here in UK where the average household bill for gas and electricity is about £100 per month - that's £1200 pa.

    Many of our poorer folk are already having to choose between heating and eating during the winter months - soon to be upon us.

    Last year 15,000 of our senior citizens died of the cold.

    Neither the Brown nor the greedy foreign power companies give a d**n.

  6. O.M.G.  they wouldn't do that would they ?  (nudge nudge wink wink)

  7. serves the english right for embracing free market capitalism. you weren't complaining when you gave thatcher the right to sell the family silver and create a society where the greed of the individual rules. you may as well get used to the fact nothing is gonna change and your stuck with it. you can have a roof over your head only if you pay through the nose for it and fill the troughs for the pigs in the financial sector to slurp from. the eengleesh are gonna pay a heavy price for their untethered selfish greed.

  8. Another fine mess Thatcherism got us into. Sell of all our utilities so the shareholders can make a killing and not invest in our future.

  9. Good question.

    It's getting more and more difficult to think of any English manufacturing company these days.

    There are companies making various things but they are foreign owned, so all the profits are leaving this country and supporting others.

    It makes you wonder where it will all end !

    To think that people used to play h**l about nationalisation - at least the profits used to stay where they belonged.

    The politicians don't give a d**n, so long as they are lining their own pockets.

  10. EDF are my electric suppliers and they are brilliant. I wouldn't change to another company. I don't care if it is French they give a better standard of service than most British companies. I suppose Andrew Brown has to work somehwere, at least he's working, more than can be said for some people in this country. Btw I detest Gordon Brown.  

  11. England are not mentioned in that article, but a nation called the United Kingdom is,  

  12. Don't British companies also operate in France?  BP for example.  

  13. Tut! Tut! Tut!

    As if a Politician would stoop so low as nepotism in order to reap benefits.

    There are three problems here, The 100 years War,

    The Napoleonic War, and Thatcher.

    The two wars mentioned hurt the Gallic Pride and Thatcher sold everything she could lay her hands on.

    Remind me, why did we elevate Thatcher to the Baronetcy? when in fact her head should be on a spike at Traitors Gate.

    aside... The Tories in line now are young Thatcherites.

    As to the conversion to Nuclear Energy, Browns idea is that there will be so much nuclear waste lying around in heaps, we won't notice any terrorist nuclear bombs going off.

    The French of course will have sold the reactors and the weapon's know how to the terrorists.    

  14. That's what you get for voting in the Tories and letting them sell off national assets to anyone wth a bit of spare cash.

    Here's another long word we Scots know: "comradeship"

  15. Its ok, the next time the French get invaded, run away and surrender we won`t help the Scruffy Smelly Horse eaters until they give us free energy!.


    Why blame Thatcher for this? Thatcher stood down nearly 20 years ago.

    This is Browns Britain and his/Blairs mess. It his him thats taking the Corporate Shafting as he has no back bone and doesn`t want to stand up for this Country.

    Thatcher is, and would be opposed to this. Being told what to do by the French, she wouldn`t have stood for it.

  16. My answer is..Never believe what the Mail prints. If you are a Mail reader then we all know where your loyalties lie. You are another one who has just slithered from beneath a mossy stone, from where you have been sniping from the periphery of politics for over a decade.

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