
Do you know that some ppl actually still think that by "Going to war with Iraq"?

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  1. I just wonder what that idea would solve, in this present day. Here is a thought---- have you any idea who starts all these wars but never participates in them.. answer ..the Politicians. We as idiots always go out and fight for them, while they stay at home conjuring up more misery. Perhaps we should send them instead.  

  2. As has been stated on this site many times some people are as sheep and will believe all the government tell them no matter what the evidence says.

  3. Some people will believe whatever their president tells them, regardless of how inane it might be. We couldn't find bin Laden, so we went after Saddam under the pretext of WMD's of which there were none. More than 5 years have passed and other than executing Saddam, we've accomplished nothing, bin Laden is still on the loose and now where poking Iran and sticking our nose into Russia's affairs. IF we're lucky, the world may exist until Bush is out of office, but I wouldn't be surprised if he committed at least one more mega-blunder before he's gone.

  4. We were faced with a situation :

    1) Country ruled by genoicidal Dictator

    2) Known to fund Terrorists

    3) Possibly Possesed Nukes.

    4) The government hated US

    I say we did the right thing by going in whether they had nukes and intedned to use them or not. Do people not consider if they did end up having nukes (which I think they did) and we did not act then President Bush would of been called the worst president of all time AND we'd be dead? No people only see that we went in and didn't take that chance. And isn't it ironic that as soon as we moved in Iran somehow found nuclear technology? Wonder where those nukes came from.

    Now I'm not saying we've done the best job with Iraq, but lets face it. There is no easy way to go about this war, we can't just drop everything and run, but I think we're approaching or have approached the time where the current gov can fend for themselves. I don't worry about it too financially, Iraq is a wealthy contry and just like Korea they'll might pay us back some.



    I couldn't agree more, the uneducated portion of America blindly follows the media, why do you think so many people like Obama and hate Bush? The media was obsessed with Obama but many of this policies are just silly, all he has to say is I'm not Bush and people love him. Bush on the other hand isn't as unintelligent or deserving of hate as the media portrays him. Congress is who is to really blame for the Iraq mess, look at their approval ratings : 19%! Much lower than Bush. I guess only the unbaisedly educated and time will be able to tell.

  5. Yes, I knew that.  It's because that's what the media portrayed.  And people believe the media

  6. Yeah, the media is to blame for the disinformation.

    Many do not know that there were dozens or reasons to go into Iraq, including the violation of 17 UN regulations.

    Many do not remember that every leader of the free world knew that Saddam had WMD's, including the media darling Bill Clinton.  What happened to much of them is a mystery, but we recently found some. I bet you didn't hear that on the regular media, did you?

    Many do not know that although the war has been tough, we're actually winning there.

    Many don't know that we've uncovered evidence of Saddam having training camps for terrorists.

    We also know he was funding terrorism.

    So if you don't know all this then you and many others live in a dream world of disinformation.   I feel sorry for you for being so ignorant.  Be thankful that although you don't know about it, there are people risking their lives so you can be ignorant if that is your wish.   You'll never know how lucky you are, but then ignorance is bliss.

  7. 500 tons of yellowcake uranium was moved out of Iraq this year.  The stuff that we were told didn't exist.  Saddam did not have nuclear power plants.  Suppose we were safer with Saddam Hussein in power with the 500 tons of unexplained yellowcake he had laying around his country,

    Yes we are safer with him gone.

  8. yes, they are the truly NAIVE

  9. By killing Muslim terrorists, the war is protecting Americans. Whether you like it or not.

  10. We are establishing democracy in the world..  supposedly.  

    What we are really doing is establishing a military presence in the middle east so we have an excuse to be there..

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