
Do you know that the elites are deliberately creating fake terror like 9/11 and trying to starve us to death?

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Keep an open mind. You will discover that you have been misled and deceived by habitual liars on TV and in newspapers:

Watch Loose Change film

Listen to the interviews of Aaron Russo, just before he recently died of cancer. He exposed the plans of the "elites" who run the planet:

Here is the testimony of an ex-illuminati member who revealed the elites' plans for mass population reduction:

Listen to all the MP3 recorded speeches, especially tapes 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B

According to ex-illuminati member John Todd, the elites are planning to shut down all food, fuel and water supplies, and starve human populations in most big cities.

Search & see Alex Jones' movies at


Endgame 1.5




  1. well done! there should be more people like you trying to expose this thing, but its difficult because nobody wants to believe it - sitting in their happy little bubbles. us government employed n**i scientists after the war to continue their work on mind-control (it was started as a means to control the populations of invaded countries) L. Ron Hubbard (founder of scientology) was a consultant. its disturbing and very very frightening.

  2. No I did not know that, however if you could hum a few bars, I might recognize it.

  3. ya did you in know thats the united states planned the day it disguised me the united states destroyed the towers no terrorist

  4. Do you actually believe the c**p from prisonplanet, Alex Jones, and the three dips from "Loose Screws"?

    I guess people can be brainwashed by the internet.

  5. Well I'm not going for anyone like that's sight but I do know and why I know it I can't say but yes they are going to starve us out Like Bush put it in words "Americans will learn to live without"  so plant your fruit trees and get ready have a goo water source other than the city tap lines cause they will shut them down-it's getting bad and without Hillary in were going down faster than anyone could even imagine-mark my words!

  6. no that's not going to happen.

    Go to the grocery store, you will see lots of food there, we are not starving. Plant a garden if you are worried.

  7. Do ya reckon?!

  8. As one of the elites, let me reassure you that you have nothing to fear.  

    You needed to lose a little weight anyway.

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