
Do you know that the onboard nuclear reactor from the delorean BTTF sequel part1 is inspired by a true story ?

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Bob Gale the story writer of back to the future get his concept from the ford nucleon. what's you opinion about it.




  1. You've clearly never tried to obtain the various permits that allow you to possess nuclear material.  Good luck.  

  2. The Ford nucleon was a concept car that was never built (and they never put a reactor in it).

    Nuclear powered cars would be nice to have and if you can put enough shielding on a car for it to be workable (or use radioisotopes that don't give off much in the way of neutrons or γ-rays for the heat) then it would be almost ideal.

    I would worry about some of the idiots who don't maintain their cars properly although a car nuclear reactor is probably going to be quite a bit safer than hydrocarbon fuels (especially LPG).

  3. No i didn't know that they were considering nuclear reactors for the general public in the fifties, sounds a little scary doesn't.

    to think of a bunch of atomic bombs all over the place.

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