
Do you know that you're rude?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I have been dealing with rude people all day at work, Im always completely nice and am constantly apologizing for things that are not my fault and its really starting to p**s me off. I guess you could say im a pushover b/c Im not so obsessed with my pride that I can just let people say what they want to say so theyll shut up and get on with their lives. I'm ALWAYS nice to everyone, no matter the situation and im getting tired of not receiving the same treatment.

So heres my question, are you a rude person? if so why? please enlighten me.




  1. I can come across as rude when I don't mean to be.

    I can be rude on purpose when the time is appropriate.

    I try not to be rude unless I've been pushed too far.  

    As hard as it is, the only way to deal with people like that is to treat them like everyone else and just smile and move on.  They aren't worth fighting with or losing sleep over.

    Eventually, they'll be at home alone wondering why no one likes them and why everyone runs the other way.  

  2. I am very rude.

    I often interrupt myself during conversation's with myself. I seldom hold the door for myself and quite frequently f**t and belch most profusely and am most proud of it.

    Sometimes, when i write<<<WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!!!>>>


    I forgot what i was going to say...

    I'm rude.  

  3. Rudeness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Generally I think I’m pretty nice. I have a lot of years of customer service experience under my belt, and I know being nice usually gets better results.

    It’s not like I’m never rude though. Sometimes I cut someone off in traffic and if I’m in a hurry, I just don’t care.  I’m pregnant, and I’m finding it a lot harder to be patient these days. The worst is when I’m in a restaurant, starving, and being ignored by the wait staff. In those situations, I will flag down someone and let them know I’m waiting on my server. I suppose I’m returning my server’s rudeness in not acknowledging me with rudeness but they’re delaying my dinner and that’s just not cool!  

    It's impossible to be a saint 100% of the time. How would you know if someone thought you were rude unless they told you? You could think you're being perfectly nice, but your audenice might not feel the same way.

  4. well, rudeness, to some extent in a matter of interpretation,  since some folks, like yourself are sensitive while others are less so.  So what's rude to you may be just really outgoing to someone else.  I worked in retail in college and dealt with allot of mean people so I'm usually more than willing to be kind to others, but that being said, some situations warrant forceful behavior.  So yes, sometimes I'd be considered to be rude, but I try my darned not to be.

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