
Do you know the answer to this riddle??????

by Guest67131  |  earlier

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i have been asked this question in school and i was wondering forever and still cant figure out, so here it is, There are 2 roads in front of you. 1 of them kills you if you enter it and another one gives you alot of joy. but you dont know which road is which. their is a person that is standing on each road. one of them tells the truth and one of them lies. what do you do.???? plz help i need to know.




  1. I ask from one of them : if I ask from this one (another man) which of this ways is right and end to joy what he will be answer ?

    then anything he answered do the opposite  

  2. I would ask any of the guys.  "If I were to ask your friend (the other guy) which is the road that that leads to a lot of joy?  Which road would he point to?"  I would then take the opposite road to the one he would suggest!!!.

  3. ask one of the men "what would the other man say is the joyful road?"

    then take the road the man did NOT mention.

  4. You ask one of them what the other would say.

  5. This is from "The Labrynth" an 80's movie starring David Bowie. I dont remember the answer but you could watch it and find out.

  6. Ask each of them: Which road would you take if you were the liar.

  7. Good ole youtube,

  8. Just ask a question to both of them like "Are you a girl"  Then you know whose telling the truth and whose lying.  Thus which road you need to take.

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