
Do you know the antidote to the Trigee Virus?

by Guest58900  |  earlier

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Are you conversant with Zez Confrey?

Syncopation…………………My fingers snapping!

Toes are tapping…………….Melodies flow!

Can’t sit still…………………Music captures!

Against my will…..………….I move in concert!




  1. I feel like Johnny Appleseed, or is it Dr. Frankenstein? I can't tell.

  2. "Hi!",

    It's all TD's bloom-in fault!  Scientist TD new that these trigee's were a  triatomic contagious disease.

    Beautiful Trigee.


    Coheirs: )

  3. I can think of worse addictions, then Trigees. About 6 in a row should

    suffice the habit, until another time. Kudos!

    I remember that kitten tune vaugely, sisters had it on a 78.

  4. Lady Bayard, I will bring the wine and preserves and we will syncopate on your deck (while your hubby serves!)  Well done, they are fun aren't they?

  5. I have been seeing these triggee's alot lately. Maybe I should try it out--Never had heard of it before until yahoo poetry. I like yours its flows like the music it speaks about

    I have a poem up would appreciate input

  6. So you did it again! And this time you really did it. You may blame Dr. Johnny Frankenstein. There is no cure for this addiction. This is one of the best I have seen since the creation of the form.

  7. Me thinks you need triage for the trigee...  is your heart beating faster... do you feel faint... is your face all flushed... are you hot... If so you may need the newly acquired trigee vaccination. ... it's not a shot, they have discovered that 3 poems in iambic pentameter will cure you.

    Oh. I liked the musical trigee much much much.

  8. Take two Trigees and call an ambulance!

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