
Do you know the cause of global warming?

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it's me because I'm so hot.....




  1. there are lots of cause in global warming like smoke belching especially ere in the Philippines. Also the factory. and also burning trash anywhere.

  2. It's becuase of air pollution it destroys the ozone layer (Ozone layes lesses the heat of the sun.)Without it the world would be really hot and the ice in NP and SP will melt and the water will rise and cover the land. Not only us will be affected aslo the ones living on NP ans SP like the seal the peguin they cannot live without ice! I have been really inspire at my source.

  3. i think i do all the waste in the world and companies with gas coming out of them i think.

  4. Yahoo itself has a nice website about GW. You can check this out:

  5. All the green house gases from human activities are locking the heat in the atmosphere causing Global Warming.

  6. Too many people. Impending environmental collapse at a time of unprecedented and growing human population numbers is not just some amazing irrelevant coincidence.

  7. Many reasons.   One very small one is the CO2 and other greenhouse gasses people are pumping into the air.   But you have heard of the straw that broke the camels back?

  8. Too much economic and political control by the imperialistic international - multi-national corporations who get away with anything and everything due to the fact that they have more wealth than all of the nations in the world combined!

    We better get smart RIGHT NOW and demand Democracy, or we're economic prostitute consumer-slave toast!!!!

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