
Do you know the code used to find out a land line phone number?

by  |  earlier

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Instead of calling someone who has caller I.D. to find out the phone number I'm currently using.

And I'm not talking about using *69 function or any other * function. I'm looking for the 4 digit or 5 digit code.

What is the code for AT&T Southeast Ohio region?

Example, If I pick up a phone to use, but I don't know the number that is attached to that phone, what code number do I enter to get the phone number for the phone I’m using?




  1. Well, in the US, there are several ways to find your number.. I would recommend 1-800-444-4444 (run by MCI) There is also another run by AT&T by dialing  1-877-MY-ANI-IS

    (1-877-692-6447)  Don't abuse it. they are logged.!

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