
Do you know the difference between a " Possum" and a "Opossum"?

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Do you really know what the difference is between " Possum" and a "Opossum"without having to look it up on the internet.

Where I live I have a Brush Tailed Possum living in my roof.

So what country do do think I live in?

The sites below will give you the answers, but I am more interested if you already know the answer.

Thank you to all who reply.




  1. No difference.  Same animal.

  2. Australia.

  3. I always felt it was mere pronunciation amd not any kkind of physical difference

  4. If You Have A Possum, You Most Likely Live In Australia, Though You May Live In New Zealand As They Are Becoming More Common There Also.

    The Opossum Is A Different Creature Altogether And From The Other Side Of The World From You!

  5. if he was living in my roof I could legally poison him,New Zealand considers them pests!

    I presume you are in Australia where they are protected, so eating it would not be an option.

    I thought they started out as opossums and the 'o' was dropped after a while.

  6. thats ez the "o"

  7. I have a brushtail that keeps knocking bits off my tv antenna when he/she climbs on it. Beware the Ticks. Possums aren't effected by Ticks and they, like kangaroos, carry them around with them.

    Possum is supposed to taste okay.

  8. I actually Dont know the difference. I grew up with  the Opossum and what I have noticed is people cant spell it and tend to leave the "O" off

    I live in the US

  9. one is spelt with an "o"

  10. I would say you live in Sydney Australia. ( Your profile )

    I only know about the Virgina Opossum.

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