
Do you know the longest pregnancy?

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I know a friend who is 41 weeks and not dialated at all




  1. as long as baby and mommy are fine, it is safe for her to wait a little longer. my friend delivered a few days over 42 weeks.

    somethimes they are off by a few days on the due date, and sometimes babies are just not ready. after 42 weeks is when the placenta typically starts deteriorating, which is why most doctors will induce once you hit that 42 week mark (if they haven't already).

  2. now they induce you if you go to 42 weeks because the placenta ages and after that point, it is risky for the baby to stay in there much longer. However, my best friend's husband is 30 years old, and her mother-in-law told her that he went over a month over due! His due date was at the end of June, but he wasn't born until August. I can't even imagine! I would be insane by that point!

  3. They won't let you go more then 1-2 weeks late anymore.  But 20 years ago they would let you go a month over due.  I know a few people in their 20's that were 1-2 months over due!  Can you imagine!

  4. At 42 weeks doctors will more than likely step in. The placenta can only support a baby for 42 weeks

  5. Def. not the longest. My cousin went 43 wks and had to get a c-section. But that's still not the longest. I have a book called baby miracles and its supposedly true stories and one lady claims she was pregnant for 14 months and its supposedly in the guiness book of world records. I haven't looked it up so I dont know if its true. I'm going to go look it up now.

    Well I found the story here

    But it doesn't say if its true or not!

  6. Here is a story of a lady who was pregnant for 18 years. She was also on a show on TLC.

    as for your friend. They wont induce her unless there is something wrong. everything will happen naturally. However, most doctors will allow you to go a week past your due date.  

  7. She can be induced, I'm sure they will after a while cause that's got to be uncomfortable.

  8. 42 weeks I have heard that the placenta will begin to deteriorate, which will make for an unhealthy environment for the baby.

  9. The longest pregnancy is about 42 weeks long... After 42 weeks than the doctor will induce labor because the body can no longer support the unborn child!

  10. Longest would be 42 weeks, as if a woman reaches that far, doctors would be sure to induce her


  12. Usually at 42 weeks they will induce you as it can be more harmful for the baby to be in the womb than out by then.

    41 weeks is normal, babies are considered normal full term any time between 37 and 42 weeks.

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